+61 411 295 888
PO Box 339
Essendon North Vic 3041
A senior manager at a major transport hub had been identified as a candidate for big things in his career, including a potential executive role. He had a large portfolio of responsibilities, but was considered a little too “detail focussed”. It was considered that, for all his potential, he was task driven and needed to think more strategically, manage his priorities better and begin recognising the interests of the various stakeholders. In other words, he had to begin thinking less like the person he was and more like the executive he wanted to become.
After a lengthy search, the organisation engaged Emerge to conduct some Executive Coaching of the manager concerned in an effort to polish those qualities sought and to groom him for that potential executive role.
The first meeting was a “getting to know you” session to see if the consultant and the manager could work together. Once that was established, the sessions commenced and built from the previous ones. The manager was very receptive which allowed for richer conversations and effective outcomes in terms of self-awareness and personal transformation, which had flow-on effects both professionally and personally.
The manager’s staff have stepped up and become more proactive as a direct result of the changes he’s undertaken. Reports, peers and executives have observed that the manager is thinking more strategically and the manager finds he is catching himself “in the moment”, applying the tools and seeing benefits already. He is thrilled and has asked the Emerge consultant to return and continue coaching.
“In my view you are at your best when you ask the right questions. During our coaching sessions, I have experienced first-hand your ability to ask questions that lead to the heart of the matter. In my view you succeeded in coupling this to excellent timing (asking the question in the right manner and at the right time) and a genuine respect for the individual involved (for example, creating the right setting and atmosphere to gently “push” towards enhanced self-insight).”