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Emerge has a suite of diagnostic and evaluation tools to create understanding, insight and development for the individual, team and organisation. Our range of diagnostic tools aim to:

  • Increase staff engagement
  • Strengthen team dynamics
  • Improve leadership effectiveness
  • Identify management/leadership strengths
  • Increase awareness, understanding and management of self
  • Improve communications, influence and interpersonal relationships
  • Highlight areas of improvement and personal/professional development



I4 Neuroleader

To help create personal improvement in four key leadership areas, the i4 Methodology is a leadership development and well-being framework. It allows individuals, teams and organisations to re-think and challenge their current leadership and business practices while discovering the inner core abilities required to lead in the global innovation economy. The i4 Neuroleader Tools are competency-based assessments that measure a set of abilities, traits, attitudes and behaviours which can easily be self-assessed as well as observed and rated by others


Performance - The optimal level, both mental and physical, that a person is able to achieve when implementing a task


Collaboration - The attainment of a common goal through the effort of a combined body of people working together


Innovation - The generation of new ideas, the tenacity to bring the best ones to life and the wisdom to know how to enthuse others to support them.


Agility - The capacity to read changing conditions in one's environment and the ability to rapidly adjust to them.


Strengths Profile 

This recently developed tool incorporates positive psychology principles to help identify and develop strengths, simultaneously moderating learned behaviours and minimising weaknesses.


It assesses 60 strengths according to the three dimensions of energy, performance and use. These three dimensions are then used to identify where your strengths lie across the four categories of realised strengths, unrealised strengths, learned behaviours and weaknesses.


Click Here to view Sample Report


Genos Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a set of skills that help us identify and respond to emotions within ourselves and others. These skills are as important as your intellect (IQ) in determining success in work and in life.


Everyone, no matter what job function, has interactions with other people. Your ability to understand your emotions, to be aware of them and how they impact the way you behave and relate to others, will improve your ‘people’ skills and help you ultimately be more successful.


Click Here to view Sample Report



The Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT) is an ability-based test designed to measure the four branches of the EI model of Mayer and Salovey.


Perceiving Emotions: The ability to perceive emotions in oneself and others as well as in objects, art, stories, music, and other stimuli


Facilitating Thought: The ability to generate, use, and feel emotion as necessary to communicate feelings or employ them in other cognitive processes


Understanding Emotions: The ability to understand emotional information, to understand how emotions combine and progress through relationship transitions, and to appreciate such emotional meanings


Managing Emotions: The ability to be open to feelings, and to modulate them in oneself and others so as to promote personal understanding and growth


Click Here to view Sample Report.


The OPIC coach@work 

The OPIC coach@work assessment Tool is a tool specifically designed to help Managers enhance the coaching process for their Staff.   Managers can select any six from the 19 Capabilities available, that are essential for Staff to be effective within their current role.  The 19 Capabilities include:

  • Managing Change
  • Managing Tasks
  • Shapes Outcomes
  • Managing Stressors
  • Compliance
  • Informing (Influencing via technical expertise)
  • Innovating
  • Decision Making
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Coordinating People/Projects
  • Commercial/Business Acumen
  • Collaboration
  • Building Relationships
  • Teamwork
  • Broad Based Influencing
  • Coaching and Developing
  • Giving/Receiving Feedback

The selected six capabilities are then feed into an assessment tool which Staff complete and a tailored report is generated.  The Manager is given the report which depicts Staff member’s strengths and development opportunities against the selected six capabilities.   It also provides the Manager with specific coaching questions, actions and activities to coach the Staff member on, which leads to a comprehensive developmental process.


Coach@work is designed to be a one stop shop coaching assessment methodology.


Click Here to view Sample Report.


NBI - Whole Brain Thinking

We all have preferred ways of thinking. Some people focus on facts, while others might look for relationships. Some like detail, yet others may prefer the bigger picture. To improve our effectiveness, we need to more fully understand our thinking preferences by understanding our brain profile.


The Neethling Brain Instrument (NBI™) is a properly validated and well-researched measuring instrument on thinking preferences and the concepts of whole brain thinking.


Click Here to view Sample Report.


MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Inventory)

Based on Jungian psychology, the MBTI works on four dimensions creating 16 different types.


The four dimensions are Extroversion / Introversion; Sensing / Intuitive; Thinking / Feeling; Judging / Perceiving.


Used as stand-alone insight tool or incorporated into training, MBTI gives an excellent introduction to who you are and who the people around you are.


DiSC behavioural profiling

We all have preferences in our behaviour. DiSC clarifies these into Dominant, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness.


From this knowledge teams and individuals can learn strategies of how to work together more effectively.


Click Here to view Sample Report.


Belbin Team Roles

A team is not a bunch of people with job titles, but a congregation of individuals with a common goal (or set of goals), each of whom has a role which is understood by other members.


Members of a team seek out certain roles and they perform most effectively in the ones that are most natural to them.


Belbin Team Roles is used to identify people's behavioural strengths and weaknesses in the workplace.


Organisation Wellness Diagnostic Instrument

Through extensive research in recent years, the ten most critical factors have been identified which determine success in any organisation.  They are listed below and represented in a graph which depicts above and below the line behaviours:


Trust, Learning, Gratification, Language, Ownership, Energy, Change, Interaction, Creativity and Innovation and Communication


The instrument will identify which factors of the environment are experienced as positive or negative at any given moment. The feedback explains the wellness of the organisation and becomes a valuable tool that guides intervention or support very specifically.


Click Here to view OWI Brochure.