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+61 411 295 888 





PO Box 339 
Essendon North Vic 3041 

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We work with you to formulate and achieve realistic goals to help achieve desired outcomes.

We have experience in specific areas and can act in an advisory capacity to bring much needed managerial skills or knowledge, identify gaps that need to be filled, undertake research in or outside the organisation, bring some type of diagnosis or analysis to a situation, provide or augment capabilities and expertise to enhance organisational functioning, provide strategic direction and/or viable solutions to problems. 


To help develop tomorrow’s Leaders to new ways of thinking that inspire self-belief and motivation to get ‘unstuck’ and emerge stronger.


A solution-focused, result-oriented, and collaborative relationship to help the Coachee to maximize their own performance through self-directed learning and sustained behavioural change, and consequently to improve the effectiveness of their organization and the quality of their working and personal life.  


A series of five or six 1 to 1½ hour coaching sessions aimed at enhancing workplace performance.  In each session, the Coachee chooses what the focus of the conversation will be and the Coach listens and contributes observations and questions helping to create insight, clarity, and to move them into action.


Coaching helps to accelerate the Coachee’s progress by providing greater focus and awareness of choice; it concentrates on where they are now and what they are willing to do to get where they want to be in the future.

Program Design and Development

To customise programs specific to your organisational needs.

We design programs using adult learning principles, plus the application of experiential learning and creative thinking to customise programs specific to your needs.


Program design leverages positive psychology, neuroscience and emotional intelligence to help improve performance and increase effectiveness.


Training and Facilitation

To groups of all sizes and across organisational levels.  

We can provide facilitators to deliver your organisations programs, as well as deliver programs designed by Emerge for your organisation


Some of the programs we offer include (but not limited to):

  • Team development: focuses on group dynamics to help build and strengthen relationships
  • Leadership development: Values based leadership and developing the interpersonal skills necessary for effective and empowering leadership
  • Change management: focusses on the emotional side of change so that resistance is understood and managed. Program assists leaders and change agents in managing themselves and others, whilst helping staff accept and support the change required
  • Communications: increasing awareness, shifting mindsets and building skills to improve communication effectiveness.
  • Building Resilience: focusing on strengths and mindsets to help improving personal resilience and bounce back
  • Emotional Intelligence and wellbeing: to help strengthen relationships, lift staff performance and create a positive culture. The areas of focus are Emotional Intelligence and Positive Leadership